Frases de ojos y miradas

Joaquín Sabina – Nos Sobran los Motivos (Live Performance)

“Few men attend. But how many beautiful women and how many fresh toilets! They are all there, the famous and the simple ones, and some actresses who were on holiday came to Paris just to see Soleilland. There is something like sacrilege in the proximity of those ladies’ pretentious perifoliums to Marta’s poor bloody rags, displayed on a table like pieces of conviction.”

Le Matin, now a moralist – after having published the memoirs of Father Delarue, those of his concubine, those of Marie Audo and all sorts of sadistic memoirs – more severe than Le Gaulois, says:

“Let it be lawful to be indignant at so much cynicism, at such an absence of veracity in beings whose eyes have reflections of innocence. Who will tell the horror of this contrast: candorous looks… and when the scabrous word is hissed, perverse mouths twisting in a rictus of vice!”

And the same newspaper speaks of “suspicious promiscuities” in the Audiencia, of skirts straddling the balustrade, uncovering frothy basses, of “suggestive snatches that provoke laughter”, of “pugilates between ladies who have sudden rivalries”.

When Your Eyes Look at Me (Back in the Front Row)

In this article I deal with three “cultural syndromes” that cannot be interpreted under the canons of official medicine, since their origin goes beyond the biological and involves psychological, social, economic and cultural aspects. Various classifications of cultural syndromes have been established taking into account their origin. For our case we use a double basic distinction, in my opinion sufficient to frame the material presented: 1) cultural syndromes whose origin is related to entities of the supernatural world (in this category is paura), and which require the intervention of a charismatic therapeutic operator; 2) cultural syndromes whose origin is not related to entities of the supernatural world, among which are the so-called cultural syndromes of social origin, such as envy and the evil eye. They require the intervention of a non-charismatic therapeutic operator, knowledgeable of traditional therapeutic formulas and methods.

  Frases de moda coco chanel

Carlos Cuevas – Brown Eyes

This article was co-written by Mark Rosenfeld. Mark Rosenfeld founded Make Him Yours in 2015 and is now regarded as Australia’s leading dating and relationship coach for women. Mark specializes in helping people find, attract and maintain extraordinary relationships. He has been featured in Style Magazine, Thought Catalog, Elite Daily, and The Good Men Project. His dating videos have garnered over 60 million views and his book “Make Him Yours – Beating the Odds of Modern Dating” became a bestseller on Amazon upon its release.

This article was co-written by Mark Rosenfeld. Mark Rosenfeld founded Make Him Yours in 2015 and is now regarded as Australia’s leading dating and relationship coach for women. Mark specializes in helping people find, attract and maintain extraordinary relationships. He has been featured in Style Magazine, Thought Catalog, Elite Daily, and The Good Men Project. His dating videos have garnered over 60 million views and his book “Make Him Yours – Beating the Odds of Modern Dating” became a bestseller on Amazon upon its release. This article has been viewed 5531 times.

  Frases dedicadas a la mujer

Monsieur Periné – Tú y Yo (Official Video) ft. Vanesa Martín

The face is well centered. It is a close-up. The eyelids of the actress tremble without closing her eyes, as if they were cold. The look is lost in the nothingness, transmitting the amount of feelings compressed in that head. She leaves her mouth half-open and, when someone speaks to her, she always takes a couple of seconds to respond as if she perceives the stimuli with a certain delay, as if it were difficult for her to process them. It’s the Elisabeth Moss show as June Osborne in The Handmaid’s Tale and, however much the rest of the actresses may have their moments of glory, the viewer must not forget who is the narrative center: her, her, her. She is the absolute star, the person on whom the entire weight of the series rests.

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As tradition dictates, the return of the HBO adaptation involves an extra helping of close-ups. It borders on parody, especially when one sees the credits at the end of the episode and discovers that Moss is also the director. How was the shooting supposed to go? Her asking for more and more close-ups of her suffering face, the restrained and intense one we know so well?

Por James Ávalos Escobedo

Soy James Ávalos Escobedo, fotógrafo profesional y ganador de diferentes concursos de fotografía. Me gusta mucho en especial sacar fotos de animales y paisajes, pero en mi empresa también nos dedicamos a sacar fotos en eventos especiales.

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